Handmade Silver Jewelry and Mixed Media products from Sweden
Welcome to my webshop. Here you will find my latest creations that I have put up for sale. As most of my creations are unique one-off pieces you may want to check in regularly to be the first to find new listings.

Beauty thru the imperfect.
All my creations are hand made in the moment pieces and as part of that imperfections will happen.
I am OK with that and I try not to remove to many of them.
I believe a ring that has it's dents from the hammer and the painting that has it's smear is much more appealing than a perfectly shaped or drawn object.
Perhaps it is because of all the machine manufactured gods that surrounds us that we might not only accept this, but actually want it. These imperfections becomes a link to the artist, a window to the human behind the piece.
So in that sense, they are "by design".